Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Homepage for Success

In a fast-paced society, it is becoming ever more important for the youth of the world to be conscious of global events. Every day students receive their news from sources on the World Wide Web. The media conglomerate, BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), has become one of the most trusted sources on the web. The BBC has a variety of mediums that they use to spread news worldwide such as television, newspaper, magazines, and radio. But in an age where people are so reliant on the Internet, none of their mediums are as effective in spreading global awareness as their webpage.

When I was in 8th grade I began participating in the Model United Nations. This program has provided me the opportunities to travel to various cities around the world, including the UN headquarters in New York City. It was through my experiences in the MUN that I began to take an interest in global awareness. Every day during the MUN class, we were required to read the BBC website to keep up with current events. We then got the opportunity to debate and discuss ongoing worldwide issues with other international students using the information we read on the BBC website. This has become a habit of mine and I find it is very important for young people to keep up with international affairs. Do you know the capital of Portugal? Do you know who the Prime Minister of Great Britain is? Probably not, which is a problem. The youth needs to address their lack of knowledge when it comes to this topic. Visiting a website like the BBC every other day can help the uneducated youth increase their global knowledge dramatically. It is essential that students throughout the world are well informed about global issues. We are the leaders of tomorrow, therefore we must know what challenges lie ahead of us.

The BBC’s world-renowned news webpage has been acknowledged for its ability to put together diverse and worldly news that is easy to navigate. When you access the webpage it even gives you the choice of customizing the website to accommodate your news preferences. In the past few years it has received nominations and awards that recognize their great website. Established in 1996 “The Webby Awards” began honoring websites that stand out among the millions on the web. Each year the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences hand out Webby’s on the best overall website and people’s choice in a given subject. In 2008 the BBC NEWS website received the Webby award for people’s choice of best news website. In 2006 and 2007 it won the Webby award for best overall news website on the Internet.

The British Broadcasting Corporation’s website is crucial for growing a strong, more informed society where the youth is updated on the most important current events. Their numerous awards and recognitions are evidence that they play a vital role in educating the next generation on world news. I have realized from my international experiences how useful global knowledge can be. As the world continues to get smaller, and commerce becomes more integrated between countries, global awareness is essential for a successful career.


"Webby Nominees." The Webby Awards. International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. 2 Sep 2008 .

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